Frequent press the mouse button, mouse damage.濡傛灉浣跨敤鈥滈紶鏍囧皬鍔╂墜鈥濓紝涓嶇敤鎸変笅榧犳爣閿紝鍙渶绉诲姩榧犳爣锛屽氨鑳芥搷鎺х數鑴戯紝澶濂囦簡銆?br />
Software Name: Mouse Small Assistant V3.1
Software size: 548KB
As long as the need to operate the mouse control (buttons, menus, links, folders, etc.), his assistant will automatically detect the control information, and automatically complete the mouse (click, or double-click, etc.). To do a demonstration, move the mouse to the desktop "My Documents" icon, you will find it automatically double click to open, and then moved to the "Start" button, it auto-click, pop up the Start menu.
Maybe in a short time not used on the mouse function automatically, this software provides a key to switch function, as long as the bottom right corner of the program icon on the desktop, right-click (or "F6" key) can open or close the automatic mouse function to facilitate your operations. To note that the idle process must put the mouse on the blank space, and do not arbitrarily move the mouse, or prone to misuse.
When the mouse at a certain button (or other control) to operate automatically on to the mouse this time, known as the automatic right "response rate", based on your familiarity with the mouse operation process, the "response rate" can be amended, also can modify the effective range of the mouse automatically.
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